Estetické centrum Praha

Cushioning materials

Cushioning materials contain man made body-natural hyaluron acid to avoid allergic reactions to animal material.

Cushioning is used for:

The effect of cushioning materials lasts for a number of months, than the material is gradually absorbed without any consequences. The treatment can be repeated after absorption or partial absorption of the cushioning material.

There are various sorts of cushioning materials; they differ in size of gel particles and viscosity. Cushioning materials with small particles (Restylane touch, Juvederm 18) are suitable for small lines, while bigger gel particles are used for augmentation or restyling of deep folds (Restylane classic. Restylane Perlane, Juvederm 24 HV, Juvederm 30 HV).

Way of application:

Cushioning material is applied by a fine needle into skin. The application causes slight pain, it is possible to use local anaesthetic injection or anaesthetic cream in very sensitive places (lips). The effect can be seen immediately after application. Puncture spots or erythraemia can appear occasionally; it disappears within a couple of days. Such spots can be masked by corrector or make up. Lips are more or less swollen, which disappears within 2 to 5 days.

Atrophy of the upper lip and small wrinkles are visible before application.

Restylane products:

Juvederm products:

Před použitím výplně je patrná atrofie (svráštění) horního rtu a drobné vrásky.
After Restylane application, the skin is stretched, the lip is not much bigger, but it gained youthful appearance.

Po použití výplně Restylane je kůže rtu vypnuta, ret není příliš zvětšen, ale získal mladistvý vzhled.

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