Estetické centrum Praha


Mesotherapy is known as interdermal therapy. It means application of micro-injection with effective substance directly into dermis. Nourishing substances are transported by an ultra-slim needle directly into required place which enables maximal effect with minimal traumatizing of the skin. This method was used the first time in France in 1952 by Dr. Michael Pistor; originally as a therapy of chronic pain. It spread worldwide and it has been used in aesthetic medicine for the last 10 – 15 years.

Aesthetic indications for mesotherapy:

Rejuvenation of face, neck and décolleté skin (Mesolift)

Either pure “unnetted” hyaluron acid or mixture of hyaluron acid and vitamins, ionts and supportive nutrients are used for mesotherapy. Micro-injections are performed by means of ultra-thin needle (30-32 ga) and special injector or manually into the depth of 2 – 3 mm, which means into cutis. The punctures are almost painless due to extremely thin needle. In case the patient is very sensitive, anaesthetic cream may be used before application. The whole area is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before application. The treatment should be repeated twice or three times after 3 or 4 weeks to reach maximum effect. The effects last several months, in case pure hyaluron acid was used even longer.

Mesoterapie - léčba

Cellulite treatment

Cellulite is treated by a mixture of preparations supporting higher venous and lymphatic flow. The mixture contains L-carnitin, coffein, collagenase, homeopathic mixtures and possibly fosfatidylcholin according to the stage of cellulite. Mesotherapy applied in the layer of subcutaneous fat affects stripes of connective tissue and dissolves deposited fat, smoothes skin surface and helps to reduce fat layer and reduce unevenness of skin in the treated area. Micro-injections are applied into the depth of about 6-8 mm, which means the upper layer of subcutaneous fat. It is recommendable to repeat the treatment at least three times, combination of mesotherapy and lymphatic massage is the most suitable combination. Injection application of mesotherapy directly into the layer of subcutaneous fat has been proved to be five times more effective than iontophoresis, non-invasive mesotherapy.

Celulitida - před léčbou       Celulitida - po léčbě

Injection lipolysis – body forming

This method is suitable for removing of local fat pads in patients with normal weight and dimensions. It is especially suitable for removing fat pads in hips, waist, upper part of tights, fatty double chin and other fat deposits that cannot be removed by diet and exercise. This method uses several millilitres (10-20, according to required extent) of Fosfatidylcholine, L-carnitine, anaesthetics and homeopathic ingredient applied 10 to 13 millimetres under the skin into fatty layer. Fosfatidylcholine, natural extract from soya beans, causes invasion of fatty membranes and degradation of fat cells. Subsequently, the fat is washed away by lymphatic stream into blood circulation. Concurrent lymphatic or other sort of manual massage is very suitable to support the process of washing away fat.

Contraindications to mesotherapy

Mesotherapy application is not suitable in case of:

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