Estetické centrum Praha


MUDr. Renata Handlová

Instruktážní kurz aplikace BotulotoxinuInstruktážní kurz aplikace Outline original a Outline ultraCertifikát BotoxCertifikát RestylaneCertifikát RestylaneCertifikát Restylane

She graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine of Charles University in Prague in 1986. She worked at the 1st Eye clinic of Všeobecná Fakultní Nemocnice in Prague until 1994. She has been working as a specialist at Eye Clinic of Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady since. She has been specialised in dermatology as supplemental specialization since 1998. She has taken part at a number of special trainings in this field:

SShe underwent 4 weeks internship at the Clinic of Plastic surgery of Dr. Scott Wehler in Saint Petersburg Florida.

She participates in numerous symposiums both in the country and abroad. Due to her eye practice as an ophthalmologist she has great experience with anatomy of face and function of groups of muscles surrounding eyes, which is crucial for effective application of botulotoxine.


tel.: +420 775 077 055

MUDr. Renata Handlová

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